Ukraine •
L'viv • Mostiskaya • Pshemisl' • Radehov • Rava-Russkaya • Sambir • Strii • Truskavec • Дрогобыч Enterprises of Дрогобыч on the types of activity
Advertising services, informational services, exhibitions, fairs Agricultural machines & equipment Fertilizers, humates Air conditioners & ventilation systems All for cultural rest Theatres, cinemas, libraries All for rest Beauty salons, solarium Clubs Health resorts, sanatoria, boarding houses, bases and rest houses, children's camp Hotels Restaurants, bars, cafe, pizzerias Saunas, baths, swimming pool, diving pool, indoor pool Sport clubs, fitness clubs The sport goods, the goods for hunting and fishing Yachts, small ships & boats, production, lease Animals, birds, fishes, and all for them Auditor services, accounting services Banks and the financial companies Books & literature Broker services and stock exchanges Building Building & construction services Building and finishing materials Building machines & equipment Design operations, designing Power supply & energy-saving Sanitary engineering & faience Varnish, paint & enamel products Bureau of translation Car rental, vehicle rental Car service center, service of cars1 Cars sale spare parts of a car cosmetics1 Charitable foundations and public organisations Chemical products & household chemical goods Cleaning & equipment Clothes, footwear, textile goods, furniture1 Communication facilities, a telecommunication service, telecommunications Computers & office equipment Program and hardware Consulting services & trainings Cosmetics, perfumes & toiletry Customs services Design Disinfectants Dry-cleaners, wash-house Education, training, courses1 Electric goods, products & equipment Employment services & crewing & lie detector Environmental protection & ecological companies Expert assessment & auctions Express services, post services Foodstuff, confectionery products, drinks Freight companies & services, aviation companies & services Fuel, oiliness, mineral oil Gas supply, gasification
Geology, geodesy, cartography
Glass, mirrors, stained-glass windows and products from them
Hairdressing saloons, hairdressers’ tools and equipment
Household & garden tools & equipment
Jewelry, precious stones & metals
Joiner's products, wood, saw-timbers
Landscape design, gardening
Legal & notarial services, attornies
Manufactured goods, the consumer goods
Tobacco products and accessories
Посуда столовая и барные аксессуары
Manufacturing of the seals, stamps, facsimile
Marine and ship equipment, supply and agency, ship repair
Measuring devices, scales and the weight equipment
Medical preparations, medical institutions
Medical services
Metals colour, ferrous metals, metal wares
Mine of iron, uranium, manganous ores and accompanying minerals
Musical instruments and the equipment
Optics, glasses, contact lenses
Overalls, working clothes, bumpless inventory
Packages & packing
Patent bureau, patenting
Project development, projections
Publishing houses, polygraphy
Realty, real estate agencies
Safes, locks & metal boxes
Safety systems, security systems, protection systems
Shopping centers, supermarkets & shops
Standardization, production certification, laboratory researches
The aviation companies, aviation services
The equipment industrial, food, trading, fire, refrigerating, etc.
The goods and services for office
The goods for children
The goods for the house
Carpets & floor coverings
Crockery, ceramics, porcelain
Furniture, furniture fittings
House plants, flowers, plants
Jalousie, curtains, curtains, eaves
The heating equipment, boiler, heating systems
The insurance companies, insurance
The mining equipment
Explosive substances & materials, explosive equipment
Mine automation
Mine electrical equipment
Mine machines
Mine support equipment
Mine transport
Mineral dressing
Repair materials and tools
Stationary machines
The organisation of holidays and celebrations, show business
Tour agencies & travel services
TV & radio company
Water supply, the water drain, water treating
Windows, doors, gate, barriers